Here's your fencing recommendation
Based on what you've told us, these are the fencing options that we recommend. You'll also find a list of related products below that can improve the stability, safety and security of your temporary fence system.
Short-term residential construction (multiple home)
Multi-unit residential projects are often uniquely challenged with being in close proximity to public areas. This creates a need to consider the impact of the project on those who live and work in the neighbourhood. Developers often require highly customized site containment solutions that can simultaneously address stability, safety and security concerns.
Standard Rental Fence Panels
Why this is recommended
Modu-Loc’s temporary fence panels are professionally engineered for strength and durability. Typically, our 6’ and 8’ high fence is used on construction sites to meet minimum safety requirements. For sites with more complex security or safety requirements, our fencing can be enhanced with a range of accessory products.

Product details
- Available in 4', 6', or 8' high
- Professionally engineered for strength and durability
- Bases and caps included

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Keep scrolling to see a list of recommended products that will help enhance the stability, safety, and security of your fence.
Uneven terrain and inclement weather both create a risk of fence tipping over, which poses a hazard to passersby and site workers. If anything is being hung from or added to the fencing, it must be reinforced to counteract the additional weight and wind load. The stability of your fencing system is especially important if your site is near pedestrian walkways or roads.
Your site perimeter fencing should ensure the safety of your workers and members of the public. Not only does your fence have to protect people from the hazards found on your job site, but the fence itself must be safe as well. This means eliminating trip hazards and containing dust and debris. If your site is near a busy road, you will want to make sure the fence is visible to drivers and you might also consider a fence on jersey system to protect your workers from the dangers of the road.
Construction sites can make easy targets for thieves as they are often unoccupied on weekends and overnight. Temporary fence is your last line of defence against site break-ins, and there are many ways to enhance the security of your fence system. Securing your fence panels also prevents trades and subcontractors from opening up the fence line to gain access to the site, which can leave your site vulnerable.
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