
We offer a wide range of quality safety products to provide greater protection for onsite workers and the public – both reducing liability and preventing injury.
Safety Ramps
These high-visibility safety ramps slide onto fence bases to provide a smooth transition for wheeled equipment and to help reduce pedestrian tripping hazards.

Delineators with Metal Boots
Outfitted with metal boots and securely attached to Modu-Loc fence bases, these delineators further reduce tripping hazards and improve the barrier between live construction sites and pedestrians.

- Easy installation
- Securely installed bases provide maximum stability and prevent delineator knock-downs
- Available for rent or purchase
42” – 45” tall
Material: Plastic delineators with metal bases

Delineators with Rubber Bases
Used to reduce tripping hazards and channel pedestrian or vehicular traffic away from unsafe areas, our delineators are available in a variety of styles with different handles. All styles come with a weighted black rubber base.

- Easy set-up
- Secure, weighted bases provide greater stability and reduce delineator knock-downs
- Available for rent or purchase
42” – 45” tall
Material: Plastic delineators with rubber bases

Traffic Cones
Modu-Loc traffic cones are made of durable but flexible PVC and have high-intensity reflective tape and a black, weighted base for stability.

28” tall
Material: PVC

Cone Bars
Lightweight and convenient, cone bars loop over the top of cones for easy set-up. Great for a variety of applications, cone bars allow you to quickly create a temporary barrier.

Retractable from 98" to 51"
Material: Plastic

We’re here to answer any questions you may have.