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Fence 101
Should You Rent or Buy Your Fence?
May 21, 2019You have a big construction project coming up. You’re coordinating all the materials, suppliers and labour to make sure the job gets done right. When you need temporary construction fence to secure your site, you may wonder if it is best to rent or buy. There are many different factors to consider, but to help […]

Why Is Modu-Loc More Expensive?
May 13, 2019Having been around for more than 20 years, we’ve seen our fair share of competitors come and go. We’re aware of the rental rates other temporary fence suppliers may charge. We also know we’re not always the cheapest option. In fact, this is hard to forget when we’ve had some potential clients flat-out ask, “Why […]

Top 5 Mistakes Customers Make When Ordering Fence
April 20, 2019At Modu-Loc, we service customers from all different industries, geographic regions, and business departments. We have a large number of customers we work with regularly, but we also deal with clients who are ordering fence for the very first time in their lives. The funny thing is, whether a customer is ordering fence for the […]

How We Address Common Challenges On Site
January 21, 2019We install temporary fence on thousands of sites each and every year, and every site poses its own unique challenges. While an installer’s dream configuration would be a perfectly square fence compound on perfectly flat pavement, we don’t often encounter such straightforward jobs! Although every job is a little different, there are some issues which […]

What Type of Fence Should You Buy?
December 11, 2018We recently published a blog post about the best time of year to buy temporary fencing. Now that you know the best time to buy, the next decision you have to make is what type of fence to buy. If you’re looking for temporary construction fence at Modu-Loc, you have two primary options: light duty […]

When is the Best Time to Buy Fence?
November 16, 2018If you are looking for temporary fence for sale, odds are you can find some available product at any time of the year. However – as is the case with many consumer products – there is a good (and a bad time) of the year to buy temporary fence. For instance, you might know that […]

How To: Tree Protection for Construction
October 19, 2018In many regions across Canada, municipal bylaws require that trees are protected during construction. Generally, you have two options: you can either take steps to protect the trees from potential damage due to construction, or you can replace any trees that are damaged or removed during the job. In some cases, you may find yourself […]

The Good Neighbour Guide to Home Construction
September 21, 2018You have a new home renovation coming up. Aside from being a little stressed about how much it’s going to cost you, you’re excited for the big changes that are coming! However, this work can be frustrating to those around you. For instance, your neighbours could be impacted by the work you’re planning. There is […]

Avoiding the “Fence Only Trap”
September 14, 2018Over the last decade, an increased focus on public safety, liability and insurance, and security has resulted in overall stricter safety regulations for Canadian construction sites. One of the most basic requirements of any construction project is the creation of a barrier between the live site and members of the public. In Ontario, regulations state […]

10 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do With Rental Fence
September 7, 2018Many of our jobs involve simple perimeter fencing around an event or construction site. However, sometimes things get a little more interesting! Every once in a while, our rental fence is called upon to perform a task that we consider “outside the box”. Over the years, we’ve encountered a number of visionary customers and oddball […]

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