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Fence 101
Sliding Gate Installation Guide
May 26, 2020When configuring your temporary fence, it’s important to think about all aspects of how it will function. Your Modu-Loc fence is intended for site security and containment. But does this mean it will be difficult for your workers to access your site? Not necessarily! Modu-Loc fence systems include specific components to create pedestrian and vehicle […]

Installing Modu-Loc Fence: DIY or Call a Fence Guy?
May 19, 2020Modu-Loc’s famed Fence Guys are known as the pros at installing and removing temporary fence. They go through a profusion of training to ensure that they are the experts in temporary fence installation. But not all sites require the “Fence Guy touch”. In fact, Modu-Loc fence is intentionally designed to be easy to install. However, […]

Queue Management Guidelines for Retail Entrances
April 30, 2020As provinces are announcing plans to reopen businesses, retailers are busy preparing for the inevitable moment that they are allowed to resume operations. Although retailers are thrilled to welcome shoppers back into their stores, things will be a far cry from “business as usual”. The retail landscape is likely to look very different in the […]

Temporary Crowd Control Solutions
March 25, 2020With the ever-changing situation being faced by Canadians, it has become necessary for us all to adjust the way we socialize, conduct business, and generally live our lives. At Modu-Loc, this means that we are seeing a shift in requirements for controlling access points and crowds. “Social distancing” is a term we are all hearing […]

Tips for a Successful Christmas Tree Lot
November 7, 2019That magical time of year is almost upon us. Now that Halloween has come and gone, retailers are turning their attention to the next big (arguably the biggest) holiday: Christmas. Shops are being merchandised and decorated for the season. Malls are getting busier. And in the temporary fence business, we’re seeing requests for Christmas tree […]

Is Cheap Fence Really Cheaper?
September 9, 2019In this business, we encounter a lot of clients who just aren’t willing to invest in their rental fence. We get it. Whether you’re breaking ground on a new construction project or planning a large-scale outdoor music festival, temporary fence is probably the least exciting thing you have to coordinate. Vague regulations around construction hoarding […]

Roadside Barriers for Construction: 5 Things You NEED To Consider
August 13, 2019When starting a roadside construction project, one of the things you need to do is find a way to separate your site from the public, ensuring safety for drivers, pedestrians, and site employees. Traditional systems, such as basic temporary construction fencing or plywood hoarding, don’t always meet all requirements. The roadside barrier you choose may […]

What Type of Fence Should You Use?
July 30, 2019When you’re faced with a lot of different options, it can be hard to choose the right solution for your specific needs and requirements. When it comes to fence, Modu-Loc offers a wide variety of types of fence that can be used in many different applications. Don’t fret! We are here to help you out. […]

Branding Your Construction Site: Why It’s Important, and How to Do It
June 4, 2019We’ve seen a surge in branded construction sites, especially in metropolitan areas – and for good reason. Branding your construction site is an inexpensive yet effective form of advertising. Consider that many job sites have a large perimeter and require some form of site containment. Especially in developed areas, your site is likely to border […]

VIDEO: How to Install Modu-Loc Fence
May 22, 2019When you rent or purchase temporary fence from Modu-Loc, you have the option to handle installation yourself. This is a great option if you’re looking for an inexpensive solution, as it saves on labour costs. While installing temporary fence isn’t rocket science, there is a right and a wrong way to do it. The wrong […]

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