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Upcoming Speaking Engagements
February 20, 2018Darren Armstrong, VP of Sales for Modu-Loc, will be sharing his industry expertise at two separate events next month. Festivals and Events Ontario Annual Conference Friday, March 2nd in Hamilton, ON Darren will be hosting a session on the last day of the Festivals and Events Ontario 2018 conference, taking place in Hamilton, ON. The […]

Modu-Loc a Best Managed Gold Standard Winner
March 8, 2017Modu-Loc has been named a Canada’s Best Managed Company for the fourth consecutive year, earning us Gold Standard status within the program. We are thrilled to announce that Modu-Loc Fence Rentals has been named a Canada’s Best Managed Company for the fourth consecutive year, earning us Gold Standard status within the program. This prestigious award […]

Modu-Loc named an FEO Service Excellence Award Winner
March 8, 2017[:en]Proin efficitur orci vestibulum, pretium enim in, consectetur quam. Pellentesque finibus neque vitae tellus faucibus aliquet. Phasellus ut accumsan ante. Aliquam mattis quam lobortis..[:fr]Pour une seconde année consécutive, Location de clôtures Modu-Loc a reçu le Prix d’excellence du service pour Festivals et Événements Ontario (FEO) dans la catégorie « Fournisseurs en Opérations – Fondations ». Les Prix FEO 2017 ont été remis lors de la Conférence annuelle des FEO, qui a eu lieu à Sault Ste. Marie, la semaine dernière.[:us]Proin efficitur orci vestibulum, pretium enim in, consectetur quam. Pellentesque finibus neque vitae tellus faucibus aliquet. Phasellus ut accumsan ante. Aliquam mattis quam lobortis..[:]

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