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Modu-Loc is a COVID-19 Committed Supplier

May 11, 2020

Modu-Loc recognized the importance of an organizational COVID-19 response plan early on. Well before any levels of government had declared a state of emergency, we implemented a Response Team to develop an overall communications and contingency plan. The Response Team is committed to updating the plan as COVID-19 continues to evolve in order to ensure […]

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Modu-Heroes | Aaron & Ben

March 26, 2020

Modu-Loc is lucky enough to employ some truly special people. In our “Modu-Heroes” series, we have been sharing real-life examples of employees from across the organization who have gone above and beyond in a time of need. This is another great story about some Modu-Loc team members who stepped up to help someone in distress. Fence […]

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COVID-19 Update: Is Modu-Loc Open?

March 24, 2020

Last updated April 2, 2020 In these times of uncertainty, we wish to reassure our clients that all of Modu-Loc’s locations across Canada remain open for business until further notice. For the time being, Modu-Loc’s services have been deemed essential and we are doing our best to service our customers while complying with current health […]

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Celebrating the Women of Modu-Loc

March 8, 2020

According to the official International Women’s Day website, March 8th is “a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.” Unfortunately, this message can become diluted or even completely lost in all of the noise created by brands trying to capitalize on the occasion. The first Women’s Day observance took place […]

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Modu-Loc Named a Platinum Club Winner of the Best Managed Companies Program

March 5, 2020

We are incredibly proud to announce that Modu-Loc has been named a Platinum Club winner of the Canada’s Best Managed Companies program. This marks Modu-Loc’s seventh year as a Best Managed company. Modu-Loc first qualified for Best Managed status in 2014, and became a Gold Standard winner in 2017. Platinum is used as a tier […]

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Modu-Loc a FEO Service Excellence Award Winner for Fifth Year

February 26, 2020

For the fifth consecutive year, Modu-Loc has been named the Best Foundational Product Provider by Festivals and Events Ontario (FEO). The Best Foundational Product Provider designation is a part of FEO’s annual Service Excellence Awards program. The Service Excellence Awards recognize the industry suppliers who work tirelessly behind the scenes to support festival and event organizers. According […]

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Meet Modu-Loc’s 2020 Employee Award Winners

February 21, 2020

Modu-Loc employs some of the most passionate people in the industry, and we strive to recognize our team members for their commitment and efforts. One of the ways we do this is via our employee awards program, which includes several different awards. The award of distinction is the Don Rintoul Founder’s Lifetime Achievement Award, which […]

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Modu-Heroes | Justin and Tyler

February 7, 2020

Imagine this: you walk into a fast food restaurant to pick up something to eat before you hit the road, and you leave a hero. That was the case for Justin Stewart and Tyler Harvey, two Fence Guys from London, Ontario. It all started when they overhead one restaurant employee say to another, “I think […]

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Our Top Blog Posts of 2019

December 30, 2019

As 2019 wraps up, it’s time to reflect on the past year and all of its successes and challenges. A popular exercise at this time of year is the ranking: taking a look at the top items from 2019. You’ll find lists of the top movies, songs, restaurants, and even Internet searches for the past […]

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What the #BuildingWomen Event Taught Us About Women in Construction

October 4, 2019

We were given an opportunity to reach out to influential women and create an impact within the construction community. Within an industry that has stood the test of time, the work never ends and the culture seems to have been set in stone. In partnership with Faber Connect and Procore Technologies, we’ve created an eye-opening […]

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