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7 Spooky Things Found on Construction Sites
October 29, 2018There is no shortage of examples of strange things being found on construction sites. Especially during excavation, it is arguably inevitable that you will unearth some unexpected items. Sometimes, you may even come across some treasures. In the spirit of Halloween, here are 7 spook-tacular things that have been found on site during construction: 15th […]

How To: Tree Protection for Construction
October 19, 2018In many regions across Canada, municipal bylaws require that trees are protected during construction. Generally, you have two options: you can either take steps to protect the trees from potential damage due to construction, or you can replace any trees that are damaged or removed during the job. In some cases, you may find yourself […]

The Good Neighbour Guide to Home Construction
September 21, 2018You have a new home renovation coming up. Aside from being a little stressed about how much it’s going to cost you, you’re excited for the big changes that are coming! However, this work can be frustrating to those around you. For instance, your neighbours could be impacted by the work you’re planning. There is […]

Avoiding the “Fence Only Trap”
September 14, 2018Over the last decade, an increased focus on public safety, liability and insurance, and security has resulted in overall stricter safety regulations for Canadian construction sites. One of the most basic requirements of any construction project is the creation of a barrier between the live site and members of the public. In Ontario, regulations state […]

A Blueprint for Living with Construction Noise
August 27, 2018Toronto is getting noisier. Noise complaints have been trending upward for the last several years, and the city’s current noise bylaws don’t do enough to protect the residents of Toronto. Our municipal code does state that construction noise is only allowed between 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday to Friday, and 9 a.m. to 7 […]

Why Should You Care About Construction Noise?
August 21, 2018For many of us, hearing is a vital part of our everyday lives. We use our hearing for many normal day-to-day functions. It helps keep us safe, allows us to interact with our loved ones, and is a major part of how we experience the world around us. However, we often take our hearing for […]

Protecting Public Safety During Construction
August 10, 2018It’s no accident that “Safety and Accountability” is one of Modu-Loc’s core values. We strongly support, encourage, and promote safety on all job sites – especially those that are in close proximity to the public. Steps should be taken to optimize safety on construction sites near schools, public parks, and pedestrian walkways. Modu-Loc has a […]

Hot Weather Survival Guide for Construction Workers
August 2, 2018The dog days of summer are upon us, and outdoor workers need to take extra special care to protect themselves from the heat. We recently published a post about heat and sun safety for event organizers and staff. We’ve built upon that post to include relevant information for construction site workers, who face their own […]

Finding the Right Stability Solution
July 16, 2018Why Do You Need a Stability Solution? Your perimeter fence is what keeps your site safe and secure. It is your last line of defense against intruders. That’s why it is vital for you to ensure the stability of your fence line at all times. Of course, Modu-Loc fence is strong – but Mother Nature […]

Best Practices for Installing Modu-Loc Fence
July 12, 2018Last week, we shared the basics of installing Modu-Loc fence. If that was “Fence Installation 101”, then think of this week’s post as the advanced class. There is a bit of a science to setting up temporary fence, and incorrect installation can result in a fence line that is more “safety hazard” than “perimeter protection”. […]

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