Our Top Blog Posts of 2019
December 30, 2019As 2019 wraps up, it’s time to reflect on the past year and all of its successes and challenges. A popular exercise at this time of year is the ranking: taking a look at the top items from 2019. You’ll find lists of the top movies, songs, restaurants, and even Internet searches for the past year. Here at Modu-Loc, we like to close out the year with a look at our most popular blog posts.
There are a number of ways we could determine performance, but we like to consider page views – since we’re talking about popularity. By ranking our blog posts based on unique page views, we can assume which posts were read by the greatest number of people. It’s certainly interesting to see which subjects really resonated with our audience – and which were overlooked!
So, what were our most popular blog posts of 2019? It was a close race at times, but here is a roundup of our top 7 blog posts from the past year:
- 2019 Event Trends: Canadian Festival and Event Experts Weigh In
It’s no surprise that our customers like to be on top of the latest trends in their industry. We gathered insights from our event customers to round up the top trends heading into 2019 – but this post actually continued to garner views throughout the year. How many of these trends will stick around for 2020? Give it a read and decide for yourself! - Screening on Fence: A Risky Business
Everyone loves a little controversy! This post focused on the dangers of hanging screen or scrim from temporary fence – and how we are addressing this risky practice. Although it is still common practice to hang screening, we are doing our part to educate the industry on the importance of reinforcing any temporary fence panels that will carry this additional burden. Based on the popularity of this post, we’d say it’s working! - How to Protect Against Common Winter Construction Hazards
Originally a series of infographics, this post takes a look at 5 common winter hazards and what you can do to mitigate them. Filled with practical advice, this piece also pulls all 5 of the original infographics into one convenient round-up. We love when safety-focused blog posts perform well, because it’s a good indication that our construction customers are keeping safety top-of-mind! - Branding Your Construction Site: Why It’s Important, and How to Do It
While many of our posts explore themes related to safety or operations, this article touches on marketing and promotion. We could argue that this is an area that is often overlooked when you think about a traditional construction site. Check out this blog post and you’ll understand why that’s a mistake; your construction site provides a great opportunity to promote your brand! - Announcing Modu-Loc’s 2019 Award Winners
We might need to chalk up the popularity of this post to the friends and families of the award winners – but we’ll take it! If you want to know more about Modu-Loc’s culture and people, this is an excellent read. You may even be able to put a face to the name of someone you deal with regularly at Modu-Loc. - Cannabis at Festivals and Events
This was certainly a trendy topic in 2019, and evidently our readers were keeping a finger on the pulse of cannabis legalization. Being the preferred fence supplier for the festival and event industry, we were keenly interested in how the Cannabis Act would affect event organizers. This post shares examples from the past summer to illustrate the different ways festival organizers could accommodate cannabis users. - Protecting Your Site from Construction Theft
Though numbers are difficult to pin down, some experts estimate that about $46 million worth of equipment is stolen from Canadian construction sites each year. Don’t want to become another statistic? This post is full of great practical tips to protect your job site from opportunistic thieves.
These 7 posts accounted for the most page views, but we published a lot of great content this year that could be even more valuable or relevant to you. We encourage you to spend some time exploring our blog and all of the topics we cover. In return, we will do our part to ensure we keep delivering content about the subjects that matter most to our customers.
We’re gearing up for another exciting year of interesting, helpful and topical articles, so don’t forget to stop by again!
Thank you for your support in 2019, and we wish you a Happy New Year!
We’re here to answer any questions you may have.