Upcoming Speaking Engagements
February 20, 2018Darren Armstrong, VP of Sales for Modu-Loc, will be sharing his industry expertise at two separate events next month.
Festivals and Events Ontario Annual Conference
Friday, March 2nd in Hamilton, ON
Darren will be hosting a session on the last day of the Festivals and Events Ontario 2018 conference, taking place in Hamilton, ON. The session, called “Fundamentals of Perimeter Safety and Security”, will delve into best practices for ensuring the boundaries of any event are both safe and secure. Darren will address issues ranging from the fundamental – such as crowd control – to the topical, like hostile vehicle mitigation.
For more information regarding the session, visit the FEO conference website.
Canadian Construction Association Annual Conference
Thursday, March 15th in Banff, AB
Darren will be one of six presenters taking part in the “10 Minutes to Impress” session, which allows suppliers to educate conference delegates about new and innovate construction products.
To register for the conference, visit the CCA conference website.
Speaker Profile
Possessing a wealth of experience in securing sites for events and construction, Darren Armstrong is an industry expert with a deep understanding of perimeter security, event logistics, and crowd control dynamics. Prior to becoming the current VP of Sales for Modu-Loc Fence Rentals, Darren was Modu-Loc’s Regional Sales Manager for Eastern Canada for nearly a decade. With over 2.5 million feet of fence servicing Canada from coast to coast, Modu-Loc Fence Rentals is the leading national supplier of free-standing temporary site containment solutions.
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