Getting the Most Out of Your Supplier Relationships – Part 2
June 12, 2018Last week, we shared some tips for evaluating new or existing vendors to ensure they can properly support your event. If you missed that post, check it out here. Now that you’ve vetted your suppliers and secured the ones who will make your event a success, it’s time to work on nurturing those relationships. The […]

Getting the Most Out of Your Supplier Relationships – Part 1
June 4, 2018When it comes to event planning, your suppliers can make or break the event. As an event organizer, you place a lot of trust in your vendors to handle things on your behalf…sometimes even in your absence! In an ideal world, the relationship you have with your event suppliers should be less like a customer-vendor […]

Modu-Loc Named a Best Managed Company Again
March 8, 2018Modu-Loc has requalified for the Canada’s Best Managed Companies program, having been named a Best Managed company for the fifth consecutive year. Modu-Loc first qualified for Best Managed status in 2013, and became a Gold Standard winner in 2017. Our application for the award highlighted a continued commitment to innovation, including product improvements intended to […]

Three-Time “Best Foundational Product Provider”
March 2, 2018For the third consecutive year, Modu-Loc has been named the Best Foundational Product Provider by Festivals and Events Ontario (FEO). The Best Foundational Product Provider designation is a part of FEO’s Service Excellence Awards program. Service Excellence Award winners are recognized at FEO’s annual conference, which took place from February 28th through March 2nd in […]

Upcoming Speaking Engagements
February 20, 2018Darren Armstrong, VP of Sales for Modu-Loc, will be sharing his industry expertise at two separate events next month. Festivals and Events Ontario Annual Conference Friday, March 2nd in Hamilton, ON Darren will be hosting a session on the last day of the Festivals and Events Ontario 2018 conference, taking place in Hamilton, ON. The […]

Modu-Loc a Best Managed Gold Standard Winner
March 8, 2017Modu-Loc has been named a Canada’s Best Managed Company for the fourth consecutive year, earning us Gold Standard status within the program. We are thrilled to announce that Modu-Loc Fence Rentals has been named a Canada’s Best Managed Company for the fourth consecutive year, earning us Gold Standard status within the program. This prestigious award […]

Modu-Loc named an FEO Service Excellence Award Winner
March 8, 2017[:en]Proin efficitur orci vestibulum, pretium enim in, consectetur quam. Pellentesque finibus neque vitae tellus faucibus aliquet. Phasellus ut accumsan ante. Aliquam mattis quam lobortis..[:fr]Pour une seconde année consécutive, Location de clôtures Modu-Loc a reçu le Prix d’excellence du service pour Festivals et Événements Ontario (FEO) dans la catégorie « Fournisseurs en Opérations – Fondations ». Les Prix FEO 2017 ont été remis lors de la Conférence annuelle des FEO, qui a eu lieu à Sault Ste. Marie, la semaine dernière.[:us]Proin efficitur orci vestibulum, pretium enim in, consectetur quam. Pellentesque finibus neque vitae tellus faucibus aliquet. Phasellus ut accumsan ante. Aliquam mattis quam lobortis..[:]

Are you ready for Canada 150?
January 5, 2017Originally published in the December 2016 issue of FEO e-News, the official e-newsletter of Festivals and Events Ontario. 2017 promises to be a year of larger-than-life festivities as Canadians commemorate the 150th anniversary of Confederation. With tourism numbers expected to increase and ample funding allowing events across the country to bump up their budgets and expand […]

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