10 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do With Rental Fence
September 7, 2018Many of our jobs involve simple perimeter fencing around an event or construction site. However, sometimes things get a little more interesting! Every once in a while, our rental fence is called upon to perform a task that we consider “outside the box”. Over the years, we’ve encountered a number of visionary customers and oddball […]

A Blueprint for Living with Construction Noise
August 27, 2018Toronto is getting noisier. Noise complaints have been trending upward for the last several years, and the city’s current noise bylaws don’t do enough to protect the residents of Toronto. Our municipal code does state that construction noise is only allowed between 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday to Friday, and 9 a.m. to 7 […]

Why Should You Care About Construction Noise?
August 21, 2018For many of us, hearing is a vital part of our everyday lives. We use our hearing for many normal day-to-day functions. It helps keep us safe, allows us to interact with our loved ones, and is a major part of how we experience the world around us. However, we often take our hearing for […]

How to Plan an Accessible Event
August 16, 2018Canadians with disabilities represent a growing percentage of the population. According to the 2012 Canadian Survey on Disability (CSD), one in seven Canadians over the age of 15 reported having a disability that created limitations. That’s 14% of the Canadian population, or approximately 3.8 million people. The same survey found that disabilities related to pain, […]

Protecting Public Safety During Construction
August 10, 2018It’s no accident that “Safety and Accountability” is one of Modu-Loc’s core values. We strongly support, encourage, and promote safety on all job sites – especially those that are in close proximity to the public. Steps should be taken to optimize safety on construction sites near schools, public parks, and pedestrian walkways. Modu-Loc has a […]

Hot Weather Survival Guide for Construction Workers
August 2, 2018The dog days of summer are upon us, and outdoor workers need to take extra special care to protect themselves from the heat. We recently published a post about heat and sun safety for event organizers and staff. We’ve built upon that post to include relevant information for construction site workers, who face their own […]

Hot Weather Survival Guide for Outdoor Events
July 19, 2018The summer events season is in full swing, with outdoor festivals, concerts and sporting events taking place across Canada. Here in the Great White North, we love taking complete advantage of our relatively short summers. Outdoor events are crowded, patios are crammed every weekend…we need to get our dose of sunshine while we can! However, […]

Finding the Right Stability Solution
July 16, 2018Why Do You Need a Stability Solution? Your perimeter fence is what keeps your site safe and secure. It is your last line of defense against intruders. That’s why it is vital for you to ensure the stability of your fence line at all times. Of course, Modu-Loc fence is strong – but Mother Nature […]

Best Practices for Installing Modu-Loc Fence
July 12, 2018Last week, we shared the basics of installing Modu-Loc fence. If that was “Fence Installation 101”, then think of this week’s post as the advanced class. There is a bit of a science to setting up temporary fence, and incorrect installation can result in a fence line that is more “safety hazard” than “perimeter protection”. […]

How to Install Modu-Loc Fence
July 4, 2018Sometimes, you don’t need turnkey service from your suppliers. There are times when all you need is the product they supply. While we are well-known for offering full-service fence rentals, we have many customers who simply require us to drop off fence and then pick it up when they’re done with it. If you need […]

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