How to Protect Against Common Winter Construction Hazards
February 6, 2019Construction work carries a number of inherent risks – some of which are worsened in the winter months. Winter in Canada brings the added challenge of dealing with snow, ice, and below-freezing temperatures. All of these factors can increase the risk of illness or injury on the job site. Thankfully, awareness can go a long […]

2019 Event Trends: Canadian Festival and Event Experts Weigh In
February 1, 2019It can be tough to keep up with changing event trends. The event industry is constantly shifting as the preferences and needs of event-goers evolve every year. Advances in technology, economic conditions, and social trends all have an impact on event attendees and organizers alike. Of course, the fast pace and inherent creativity that shape […]

How We Address Common Challenges On Site
January 21, 2019We install temporary fence on thousands of sites each and every year, and every site poses its own unique challenges. While an installer’s dream configuration would be a perfectly square fence compound on perfectly flat pavement, we don’t often encounter such straightforward jobs! Although every job is a little different, there are some issues which […]

Screening on Fence: A Risky Business
January 4, 2019Recently, we introduced a screening acknowledgement form – and it is causing quite a stir. This particular form asks our customers to acknowledge that the addition of any material to temporary fencing can create structural instability and dangerous conditions. Customers who proceed with hanging banners, signage or hoarding from their temporary fence will be taking […]

Our Most Popular Blog Posts of 2018
December 24, 2018As 2018 comes to a close, we thought it would be fun to look back at this year’s blog posts and reminisce. Throughout the journey to find the topics that are most important and interesting to our customers, we’ve definitely learned some things. While some subjects really resonated with our audience, others were not so […]

What Type of Fence Should You Buy?
December 11, 2018We recently published a blog post about the best time of year to buy temporary fencing. Now that you know the best time to buy, the next decision you have to make is what type of fence to buy. If you’re looking for temporary construction fence at Modu-Loc, you have two primary options: light duty […]

Erosion Control Methods for Winter Construction
November 23, 2018We experience a lot of different weather conditions during the long winter months here in Canada. Ice, rain and snow can all have an impact on the condition of your construction site. Harsh winter weather can pose numerous issues on the job site, potentially delaying work and running up costs. Generally, winter construction jobs require […]

When is the Best Time to Buy Fence?
November 16, 2018If you are looking for temporary fence for sale, odds are you can find some available product at any time of the year. However – as is the case with many consumer products – there is a good (and a bad time) of the year to buy temporary fence. For instance, you might know that […]

Cold Weather Survival Guide for Construction Workers
November 8, 2018Following the popularity of our hot weather survival guides for construction and events, we put together guidelines for staying safe in cold weather. Construction employees who work outdoors know that enduring cold weather can be difficult and even dangerous. There are three specific cold weather factors that affect outdoor workers: Air Temperature Air temperature is […]

7 Spooky Things Found on Construction Sites
October 29, 2018There is no shortage of examples of strange things being found on construction sites. Especially during excavation, it is arguably inevitable that you will unearth some unexpected items. Sometimes, you may even come across some treasures. In the spirit of Halloween, here are 7 spook-tacular things that have been found on site during construction: 15th […]

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