COVID-19 Update: Is Modu-Loc Open?
March 24, 2020Last updated April 2, 2020
In these times of uncertainty, we wish to reassure our clients that all of Modu-Loc’s locations across Canada remain open for business until further notice. For the time being, Modu-Loc’s services have been deemed essential and we are doing our best to service our customers while complying with current health and safety standards and the recommendations of public health official.
Like many of you, we have made some adjustments to the way we operate in order to protect the health and safety of our employees, customers, and partners. The well-being of all our stakeholders is of paramount importance to us.
How is Modu-Loc Ensuring COVID-19 Preparedness?
Modu-Loc has established a dedicated Response Team comprised of members of our Leadership Team. The Response Team includes representatives who understand and are involved with legal, health and safety, operations, and communications. This Team is responsible for:
- Developing an overall communications and contingency plan, and updating the plan as COVID-19 continues to evolve;
- Maintaining a detailed contact list of essential employees, contractors, vendors, suppliers, service providers, and any other key contacts;
- Acting as a liaison with affiliated companies, employees, contractors, vendors, suppliers, service providers, customers, insurance providers, regulators, government and public health authorities;
- Determining the triggers for any action to be taken within our business in response to COVID-19, including:
- who is authorized to make decisions and at what level in the business;
- who is responsible for issuing communications, who will authorize the message to be communicated, and how such messages will be communicated; and
- consideration of the extent to which our business can sustain disruptions to normal operations, including how staffing levels will be met, and the impact on employees, contractors, suppliers, service providers and customers.
What Steps Has Modu-Loc Taken to Reduce Risk to Employees?
For the time being, and in keeping with the recommendations of public health officials, we have implemented the following:
For All Employees:
- Work-from-home measures for all Modu-Loc employees who are able to work remotely
- A strict no-travel policy
- Cancellation of employee attendance for any previously scheduled events
- A moratorium on in-person meetings, with a focus on shifting to virtual methods using collaboration tools
- A requirement that any employee who exhibits symptoms of a respiratory illness must stay home
- More frequent sanitation of commonly touched surfaces at our depots, such as door handles, and hand sanitizer made available at main entrances
- Frequent communication regarding the importance of personal hygiene, cleanliness, and social distancing of at least 2 metres, with information sourced from reputable resources
For Delivery and Install Crews
- Hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies made available for our delivery and install crews, and more frequent and rigorous cleaning of their trucks
- A limit of two crew members per truck, with set teams assigned to a dedicated truck to prevent cross-contamination
- Staggered start times and lunch breaks to minimize social interaction
- More frequent cleaning and sanitation of shared equipment such as forklifts
What Can Our Clients Expect?
While we continue to serve our clients at our depots and on site, we are asking for your cooperation in helping us to “flatten the curve”. The following measures will require small adjustments to the way we conduct business, but are necessary to help protect our customers and employees:
- For the time being, all electronic paperwork will be completed on site by our Drivers, on behalf of the client. This will limit the amount of direct contact our customers have with our Drivers and their tablets.
- Wherever possible, we are asking customers to consider allowing us to drop the fence instead of installing it, to limit the amount of time our crews spend on site
- Consider renting or purchasing our pickup panels in order to limit the number of subcontractors on your job site. Pickup panels may be delivered or picked up at one of our depots, and are designed to be easy to set up – so clients can install their temporary fence themselves, eliminating the need for our installers.
- If a full-service install is required, we ask for flexibility in the job scheduling so that peak hours can be avoided – particularly if the site experiences high traffic (e.g. a retail store).
- We are asking customers to practice social distancing when picking up or dropping off material at our depots. Employees have been instructed to avoid direct contact such as shaking hands. We appreciate your understanding as we forgo certain social norms in support of health and safety.
- Please refrain from visiting our depots in person if you are exhibiting any symptoms of respiratory illness, or if you believe you may have been in contact with someone who has COVID-19.
- Per the recommendations of public health officials, we encourage all of our clients to prioritize telephone or email communication over in-person visits to our depots. Unless you are picking up or dropping off materials, please contact us at:
Toll-free: 1-800-522-8371
Local numbers for our depot locations can be found on our website.
Sales inquiries:
Billing inquiries:
Customer service inquiries:
Contact Form
You can also reach us via our online contact form.
If you have any concerns specifically related to the way we are addressing COVID-19 risks, please contact our dedicated Response Team at
Modu-Loc remains ready and able to service the needs of our customers through this difficult time. As this unprecedented situation changes rapidly, we will continue to keep our clients apprised of any potential impact to our operations.
In the meantime, we will continue to follow the recommendations set by public health officials and do everything we can to protect the well-being of our employees, customers, and partners. We thank you in advance for your cooperation, and we look forward to supporting you during this time.
We’re here to answer any questions you may have.