Celebrating the Women of Modu-Loc
March 8, 2020According to the official International Women’s Day website, March 8th is “a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.” Unfortunately, this message can become diluted or even completely lost in all of the noise created by brands trying to capitalize on the occasion.
The first Women’s Day observance took place on February 28, 1909 in New York City. It was the idea of activist and suffragist Theresa Malkiel, and was organized by the Socialist Party of America. Over the next several decades, Women’s Day demonstrations were held in countries around the world in an effort to fight for work opportunities and suffrage. The United Nations finally formalized the observance of International Women’s Day in 1975.
What began so many years ago as an important part of the women’s rights movement has now largely become a marketing opportunity. As an employer in the construction industry – a sector which has historically seen remarkably low female representation – we feel it is important to bring the focus back to the true purpose of International Women’s Day: celebrating and empowering women.
We’re lucky to employ incredible people across the country, including women from a variety of different backgrounds. This year, we wanted to highlight some of the great women within our own organization. To reinforce just how far women have come in the professional sphere, we asked them to share their role models and career aspirations with us. Finally, to combat all the Women’s Day marketing hoopla out there, we also asked them to describe what Women’s Day means to them.
Heather Preston
Depot: Vancouver (Port Coquitlam)
Years with Modu-Loc: 7
Role: Sales Representative
What woman inspires you?
There are so many inspirational women! Right now, the person who is at the top of my list – and has been for over a decade – is Michelle Obama. She is a true role model: intelligent, professional, classy, kind, funny and so much more. I recently read her biography and was even more impressed than before. Such an amazing woman!
What are your career aspirations or professional goals?
My goal is simply to continue to grow and excel within the Modu-Loc organization. This company and my colleagues are truly the best I could have ever imagined working with.
What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
It’s especially important now, when women are gaining traction and finally getting their voices heard, when in so many areas they were silenced. International Women’s Day is a chance to celebrate these successes with my fellow ladies.
Sarah Bourgie-Sabourin
Depot: Montreal
Years with Modu-Loc: 6
Role: Quebec Sales Manager
What woman inspires you?
My mother was definitely the most inspiring female role model. An activist for women’s rights, she passed on to us the value of gender equality.
What are your career aspirations or professional goals?
I am very career-oriented as a person, so I would say that my goals are very ambitious. Working in a company where women are as much in the foreground as men has been very helpful to my life goals.
What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
International Women’s Day is a very fond memory for me. Until adulthood, my mother, sister and I would take part in the march every year. It was an activity between us girls that meant a lot to us. This day should become a day of appreciation for women. It signifies that there is no longer competition between women in business, but rather, mutual aid and support.
Darlene Sparrow
Depot: Kelowna
Years with Modu-Loc: 9
Role: Accounts Receivable Manager
What woman inspires you?
My female role model is television personality and fellow Kelowna resident Jillian Harris. She has become someone who really cares about her community. Despite her success, she is very grounded and leads a life just like the rest of us. She works hard at her career, is raising a family, and is also out there helping her community.
What are your career aspirations or professional goals?
My professional goals are to continue my career at Modu-Loc, continuing to grow my knowledge in Accounting as well as managing people. I enjoy working on my management skills as I like to see people happy and encouraged in the workplace.
What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
To me, celebrating International Women’s Day allows women to come together and acknowledge how far we have come. It helps to raise awareness of equality when it comes to doing the same jobs that men do, and earning recognition for exemplary work. Wearing purple on March 8th to celebrate our day, represents the calm stability (from the blue), and the fierce energy (from the red) of women. Together, we can do great things!
Autumn Vacca
Depot: St. Catharines
Years with Modu-Loc: 2
Role: Depot Supervisor
What woman inspires you?
My childhood female role model was Sarah Connor from Terminator. Her character inspired me to be tough, independent, and bring as much “bad assery” to the table as I can in life!
What are your career aspirations or professional goals?
I strive to be a leader in the construction industry, and to use my skills and life experience to motivate and empower those around me to be successful in their path.
What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
To me, International Women’s Day is a reminder to celebrate each other’s accomplishments, as well as our own, every day. We are strong, resilient, and determined, and there is simply no limitation to what we can achieve.
Trelene Chunilal
Depot: Toronto
Years with Modu-Loc: 6
Role: Office Administrator
What woman inspires you?
“The Silence Breakers” inspired me. They taught me that whatever your role, whatever your industry, you have a voice and deserve to be listened to.
What are your career aspirations or professional goals?
My goal is to continually increase my professional knowledge and training, whether by taking a course, getting a certification, or attending a workshop. I hope to become an Office Manager.
What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
It is a celebration of the range of women’s roles in the world: mother, daughter, sister, lover, colleague and friend. But also the opportunity for us all to focus on the challenges women still face in the world.
Deirdre Bauer
Depot: Kelowna
Years with Modu-Loc: 14
Role: Accounts Receivable
What woman inspires you?
Mary Robinson, the first female President of Ireland. I was around 9 or 10 when she was elected and it was the first time I had really seen or heard of any woman in a role like that. I remember feeling inspired and almost like I was a part of it somehow.
What are your career aspirations or professional goals?
I just want to continue to be a part of such an awesome company, and do my part to help it grow.
What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
To me, it’s the unspoken acknowledgement of different forms of success and the contributions women have made in the world. Not only today, but also for the previous generations of women who didn’t receive the recognition they deserved. I’m proud to know that because of the women who fought for the right to work and vote back in the early 1900s, I can come to work every day, vote, and pretty much do whatever I want! It makes me appreciate what I have while thinking about what changes still need to happen.
Tina Leblanc
Depot: Cambridge
Years with Modu-Loc: 3
Role: Depot Administrator
What woman inspires you?
I don’t have one particular role model. I’m inspired by all the women I have in my life – from family and friends, to co-workers. I feel very blessed to be surrounded by such loving, fun, happy, hard-working, and successful individuals.
What are your career aspirations or professional goals?
My goals are to continue working hard and learning new things every day!
What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
To me, International Women’s Day is definitely a day to be proud of the accomplishments of women all over the world.
Kate O’Hearn
Depot: Toronto
Years with Modu-Loc: 5
Role: Project Manager
What woman inspires you?
Ellen DeGeneres
What are your career aspirations or professional goals?
Someday I’d like to own my own craft bar, showcasing local craft beers, wines, ciders, art and food.
What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
It’s about awareness and empowerment. It’s a reminder to the world and to ourselves of how far we’ve come, but also how far we still need to go and that we need to keep empowering each other every day to get there.
Sheena Daye
Depot: Kelowna
Years with Modu-Loc: 7
Role: Kelowna Depot & Battlefield Coordinator
What woman inspires you?
Content creator and gamer Kristen Michaela (a.k.a. KittyPlays). She is a driven, hard-working, positive, optimistic, and incredible human who makes amazing content and empowers other women constantly!
What are your career aspirations or professional goals?
Other than helping to ensure that Modu-Loc stays the best fence rental company on the planet, and continues to strive to be the BEST COMPANY on the planet? My goal is to one day be a part of our leadership team. I want to see more women in the upper ranks! I also want to continue to ensure that we find ways to bridge the physical gaps between our depots.
Outside of Modu-Loc, I want to continue building my online community and stream. My objective is to create a space where anyone and everyone feels empowered and cared for.
What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
While I don’t feel we should wait until Women’s Day to appreciate and celebrate the women in our lives (after all, this is something that could very well be done every single day), I do tend to reach out more on this day to make sure that the women in my life know that they mean a lot to me. It is a day to celebrate how far women have come over the years! Since starting at Modu-Loc seven years ago, I have seen a higher percentage of women as part of our family every year compared to the last, and that is amazing!
Natalie Martene
Depot: Cambridge
Years with Modu-Loc: 12
Role: Invoicing Specialist
What woman inspires you?
Alicia Keyes – she’s all about positive vibes and very motivating.
What are your career aspirations or professional goals?
I’m focused on continuing to grow and improve myself, not just professionally but also personally.
What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
Women’s Day is a celebration of the great successes of women, and it’s an important point in the movement of women’s rights.
Thank you to the amazing women who agreed to share their thoughts and goals with us! We are so grateful to all of you for everything you do to make Modu-Loc a great place to work each and every day, and we look forward to having you contribute to our success for many years to come.
We’re here to answer any questions you may have.